Monday, June 27, 2011

Help Save Our Environment And Plant A Tree

If we look at yearly figures, anywhere between three and six billion trees are being cut down across the globe. The fact is that the commodities that are created from trees are essential for our everyday living. Writing paper and household tissue papers are an example of this, as well as the wood used to build houses. We all need to assume responsibility in saving our forests even if there are products we have to use that are made from trees.

Trees are celebrated on Arbor Day and the aim of the celebration is that we need to plant trees at that time but this is not truly tackling the issue. The truth is, trees are not being planted by most people. If everyone could plant a tree, it would make a big difference.

Did you know that there are roughly 7 billion people right now? That is just an estimation since you can't keep an exact count. But if every of those 7 billion folks went out and planted a tree every Arbor Day, we would be able to replace all the trees that were dropped that year. We know that this is unlikely to happen.

So, the answer is for those of you who care about the planet and want oxygen so you can live, plant a tree. In terms of planting a tree, I would not advise you only do this on a particular day every year. Every month is a good target or why not every week? It is just a fact that many individuals will refuse to give any thought to conservation or planting trees, so we have to make up for this ourselves.

I trust that what you have been reading up to now involving green lifestyle, and moreover also the particular details to do with green living, is going to be useful for you. Please do continue reading below to receive supplemental details to do with this subject matter.

Each year on Arbor Day, the number of trees that are planted is only between 8 and 15 million. Based on those estimates, we nevertheless need to take that number up by a further 5 billion. Regrettably, things are not improving.

A complete answer is required that still encourages people to plant trees but I would like to suggest the following. If a law could be passed that every time a tree is felled by logging companies, they then had to plant two new ones, this could genuinely make a big difference.

Right now, this is not likely to happen and therefore the need to preserve the number of trees in the world is in our own hands. In reality, restoring the number of trees required is absolutely achievable. For one, if only 10% of the people on Earth planted a tree every month, it would cover the amount of trees that are cut down each year. Around 7 billion new trees would be planted by doing this. And that 1 billion excess trees are precisely what we need in order to get our tree population back to where it must be.

Every person concerned about the the environment can assist by planting trees. Bear in mind that we only need 10% of the people worldwide to make a commitment to this.

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