Saturday, July 9, 2011

Is The HoJo Motor Magnetic Generator: The Ideal Green Living Device?

The HoJo Motor magnetic generator is something which makes completely gratis energy thereby getting rid of people's electricity bills. A fact about the device is that 3 US Patents have been awarded to the HoJo Motor magnetic generator by the US Patent and Trademark Office. The HoJo Motor is a free energy device that really works, and that means it generates electricity out of thin air. Plans have been put out by the people at HoJo Motor on a way to create your own device for free energy, based on the magnetic generator patented by Howard Johnson.

Because the plans make it so easy, many people have jumped right in and constructed devices of their own. Howard Johnson worked to create a free energy device his entire life, and became acknowledged as "the father of spintronics." During the past century, Johnson was noted as one of the greatest inventors. When he made the magnetic generator, he did what he wanted in giving people a way to do away with paying for energy. Today the plans have been released, and people can have their own HoJo Motor magnetic generator. No experience is needed, and the plans are easy to follow, so anyone can now build one of these devices.

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Big Energy Corporations didn't like what Johnson made, because it was a threat to their earnings. They could lose their profits if people had access to a device which made free energy, and a campaign was started to covertly shut it down. It worked for a short while, but the plans can be found on the Internet now. It must valuable if the big companies don't want it to be publicly available. There is zero risk attached to getting this product since it is accompanied by a 60 day money-back guarantee if you aren't fully satisfied, and you can download it right away. If you're interested, don't wait too long because there is a chance of the plans being unavailable again.

The scores of reviews of a positive nature point to the fact that it's worth trying out for yourself. These are a few of the reasons you should obtain the plans for the HoJo Motor. It's that magical sounding thing, a zero-cost energy device, and that it has been awarded 3 US patents. Numerous home needs for energy, including the running of electric appliances, can be met with free electricity, it is believed. The expectation is that household electric costs will on average be reduced by a whopping 70%. It enables people to produce their own electrical energy. Anyone could put together the apparatus for themselves by simply following the extensive guide. No experience is needed to build the magnetic generator easily.

There are several outstanding free stuff. To sum things up, you will receive all the information and plans required to build your own magnetic generator. Your electricity cost will be reduced you put together your own HoJo Motor Magnetic Generator.

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